
ANTONBLAST is a fast-paced explosive action platformer that’s all about destruction. Play as the enraged Dynamite Anton (or his cranked-out coworker Annie) and use your Mighty F’n Hammer to demolish bizarre worlds, tussle with screen-filling bosses, and steal your Spirits back from Satan!

He wants to be the reddest thing on the planet.

That’s right: Satan himself has stolen Anton’s prized Spirit collection, and he’ll stop at nothing to get it back. Of course, you have to help him.

Thankfully, the local disgraced casino owner, Brulo, has his own beef with Satan, and he’s willing to put aside his differences with Anton to make that devil pay.

Who knew bald sweaty guys had such fanciful wares?

Your mission in every level is simple: SET Brulo’s Detonators, FIND Anton’s Spirit, and ESCAPE before Happy Hour ends!

  • BLAST through a unique powertrip of a platformer!

  • INDULGE in an urban graffiti-inspired art style!

  • DEMOLISH massive destructible environments!

  • BATTLE brutal, earthshaking bosses!

  • EXPERIMENT with a totally dynamic playstyle; rush through for the best time or explore at your own pace!

Are ya with it?


    • 操作系统 *: Windows 8 or later
    • 处理器: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.1 ghz or equivalent
    • 内存: 2 GB RAM
    • 显卡: 2nd Generation Intel Core HD Graphics (2000/3000), 512MB
    • DirectX 版本: 11
    • 存储空间: 需要 100 MB 可用空间
* 2024 年 1 月 1 日(PT)起,Steam 客户端将仅支持 Windows 10 及更新版本。

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