

Build and manage your own amusement park!

Manage !

Build !

Beat Them !

Adrenaline !

Fails !

Unlock New Areas !

Features of the game:

  • Build your dream amusement park!
  • Manage your own amusement park.
  • Build the machines you want and entertain your customers.
  • Decorate your park as you like.
  • Unlock new skills manage your lifestyle.
  • Repair broken machines or explode and get punished!
  • Provide a clean environment for your customers by cleaning around.
  • Check ticketless customers.
  • Pay attention to your energy and hunger bar.
  • SLAP customers who sneak into the machines!
  • Adjust the excitement level of the amusement park machines to the most suitable level for your customers.
  • Earn money and develop your park like a real simulation game.
  • Set up food stalls and serve your customers.
  • Expand your land and have a bigger amusement park! Park Simulatorbuild and manageAmusement Park Simulatorwishlist now !Renovate the abandoned amusement park in the middle of the city and make it the city’s new jewel.Build BuildMore machines = more fun = more money!Be careful!

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